Consortium of Kielce and Kraków universities to develop ecological materials


Consortium of the Krakow University of Technology (PK), the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce and the Geyer & Hosaja company won the competition “Application projects” and will implement the project entitled “Reduction of air pollution as a result of the production of pro-ecological elastomeric materials”.

-We want to develop pro-environmental polymer composites that will be widely used in human activities, and their combustion will result in less environmental pollution – says Prof. Eng. Witold Żukowski from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, head of the PK research team.

-New polymers will be produced as a result of controlled combustion (e.g. cement plants) which will not emit harmful toxic substances. In turn, as a result of uncontrolled combustion, our materials will not lead to fatal accidents of poisoning, because the concentrations of toxic gases will be reduced. Finally, as a result of combustion in home stoves, they will have a smaller negative impact on human health,- explains Prof. Zukowski.

Innovations Research and development