Cooperation between the University of Gdansk and the Hemp Complex

fot. John Hyde/Design Pics/East News

The University of Gdansk (UG) and the Hemp Complex will cooperate and support each other in the implementation of research on the vegetative and generative development of Cannabis sativa L. The rules of cooperation are regulated by a letter of intent signed by the partners.

The cooperation with the Hemp Combine will also provide an opportunity to share the experience of agricultural and scientific practice. It will result in the preparation of scientific publications and conference presentations. Dr Joanna Rojek, from the Laboratory of Plant Cytology and Embryology, is responsible for this objective on the UG side.

“My interest in hemp stems from embryological research on hemp inflorescence development that began in 2022 (one-year research internship at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada). I continue the topic by extending it to hemp grown in Poland (here by Kombinat Konopny), which is characterised by a different type of reproduction and has a trace content of THC, hence its use is different”, says Dr Rojek.

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Research and development