Inventions of the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz awarded in Třinec


Two inventions of the University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz received gold medals at the INVENT ARENA 2018 Exhibition of Technical Innovation of Patents and Inventions in the Czech city of Třinec.

The department of technology and chemical engineering and the department of mechanical engineering of the University of Technology and Life Sciences presented their works and innovations.

The first awarded invention is: “The design of the valve for emptying the tank from granular materials for a vibrating apparatus with a propeller-screw drive system” by Dr Eng Marek Domoradzki, Dr Eng Wojciech Poćwiardowski and Eng Joanna Szulc.

The second gold medal was received by Dr MS Stanisław Jung, MSc. Marek Andryszczyk and Eng. Marcin Głowacki for “Device for the rehabilitation of the radial-wrist joint”.

Events Innovations Technical sciences