Jagiellonian University students become Central European champions in team programming

fot. UJ

A team of students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Kraków, consisting of: Antoni Długosz, Kacper Paciorek, Kacper Topolski, won the Central European Championship in Collaborative Programming (ICPC CERC), which took place from 8-10 December in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The UJ team solved 10 out of 12 tasks, ahead of the University of Warsaw and the University of Wroclaw who scored 9 tasks. In addition to their programming skills and quick thinking, the contestants demonstrated iron nerves: in the last of the five hours of the competition, they solved four tasks, more than making up for the loss to the top and leaving all the spectators astonished.

By winning the European competition, the UJ competitors secured their place in the world finals of the International Collegiate Programming Competition, i.e. they will compete for the title of world champions in team programming. The competition is scheduled for autumn 2024 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

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Technical sciences