KomPlasTech 2023 international conference


The International Conference KomPlasTech 2023 – XXVIII International Conference on Computer Methods in Materials Technology will be held in Zakopane from 5-8 March 2023. The event is organised by the Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Informatics of the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow.

The aim of KomPlasTech 2023 is to present scientific achievements and exchange experiences between representatives of science and industry in the field of IT applications in various areas of materials processing. 

Participants in the event will present scientific problems and research results in the form of presentations delivered during scientific sessions. Accepted papers, as full articles after peer review, will be published in a special issue of the journal Computer Methods in Materials Science.

KomPlasTech 2023 will feature more than 80 participants and around 40 speakers from around the world. The conference is chaired by AGH professors Danuta Szeliga, and Dr Łukasz Rauch.
