Lublin University of Technology promoted on the Indian education market


Lublin University of Technology in cooperation with the Indian company RG International and a group of young Indian youtubers made a music video promoting the university on the Indian market.

-The roles in the film will be played by students of the university, mainly members of the GAMZA Ballroom Dance Formation. We have also invited foreign students. Their age and experience are not important. Willingness, creativity and availability count. In addition to students, the music video will be featured by six well-known Indian youtubers – explains Dorota Adamczyk-Gruszka from the International Education Office of the Lublin University of Technology.

The Indian education market is one of the largest in the world. 160 thousand young Indians start to study abroad annually. Today, most Indian students are choosing the United States, but Europe is also becoming more and more popular.

By 2020, there will be 40 million students in India who will be looking for opportunities to get higher education. This population significantly exceeds the number of places currently available in India, which is why these young people will have to go abroad to study – says Dr Pradeep Kumar, president of the Indo-European Education Foundation.


Higher education