Minister of Education and Science to create a new scientific discipline


-Science is a search for truth. If science does not look for truth, it worships stupidity, we see it today in many places at Polish universities – said Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek on Saturday, January 30 at the Catholic University of Lublin.

The minister of education and science also announced the creation of a new scientific discipline, Family Science.

-The task of universities is to educate people, and it can be achieved only by seeking the truth. Only when the university awakens the desire for the truth, and people gain their worldview, teachers can achieve satisfaction of a fulfilled duty – said Przemysław Czarnek at the Catholic University of Lublin.

The minister quoted Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński- “the most important task of Catholic science in times of terrible crises will be to recognize the inherent nature of the human person”.

Higher education