Polish medical universities present scientific achievements on the Polish Medical Platform


The Polish Medical Platform (ppm.edu.pl) is already up and running. It is the only place on the Internet that brings together all the scientific achievements of the Polish research centers.

Polish Medical Platform (PPM) is a portal for managing knowledge and research potential. The project was co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. It is a partnership project implemented by seven medical universities: Medical University of Wrocław, Medical University of Białystok, Medical University of Gdańsk, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Medical University of Lublin, Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Medical University of Warsaw and the Institute of Occupational Medicine of Łódź.

In PPM are available full texts of scientific articles, book chapters, monographs, doctorates, information on patents or even research data including data on over 220,000 publications and 10 thousand PhD theses. Additionally, users can find there a database of almost 6,000 experts in medicine, pharmacy, health sciences and dentistry.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology