Researchers working in the field of information and communication technologies can now apply for funding for international research projects related to open research data and software from the perspective of their possible reuse. In cooperation with the CHIST-ERA network, the National Science Centre (NCN) is launching the Open & Re-usable Research Data & Software (CHIST-ERA ORD Call) competition.
The call is open to applications for research projects in three thematic areas related to open science: Create, enrich or prepare ‘reference data sets’; ‘Editorialization’ of data: Reduce the distance between data producer and expected or even unexpected data re-user; Processes and tools to describe, share, reference, and archive software source code, with the goal to enhance reproducibility of research results.
International consortia of at least three research teams from at least three different countries participating in the competition can apply for project funding. The leader of the Polish team must be at least a doctoral degree holder.
Countries participating in the competition include: Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.
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