A research project ‘Resistance to cold: Decoding phosphatases in adaptation to cold’ by the team of Dr Wojciech Pokrzywa, head of the Protein Metabolism Laboratory at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (MIBMIK) in Warsaw has received long-term financial support from the National Science Centre. The innovative research aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that enable organisms to adapt to low temperatures.
As the MIBMiK scientists emphasise, in the long term, the results of the research may enable human hibernation.
Cold is a stressor for organisms, limiting their growth and potentially threatening their existence.
“Our project represents an exciting journey into the microscopic world to discover the ways in which cellular machinery operates during cold. By investigating the specific roles of PAA-1 and VHP-1 phosphatases in C. elegans, we not only intend to uncover the secrets of cold adaptation, but also open the door to new possibilities in medicine and biology”, asserts Dr Wojciech Pokrzywa.
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