Poznań University of Life Sciences joins the Re-Livestock project consortium

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu

A consortium with the participation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań will implement the Re-Livestock project. The work of 25 research units and animal production enterprises from 11 countries will be financed from the Horizon Europe Framework Program.

The main goal of the Re-Livestock project is to develop tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from farm animals and to improve the animal’s resistance to the effects of climate change (e.g. heat stress). The budget of the five-year project is EUR 9.5 million, of which almost EUR 0.5 million will be received by UPP.

“The grant is the result of many years of cooperation between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences and Wageningen University in the Netherlands, under which we are looking for research topics that connect us in terms of applying for research funds”, says Dr Marcin Pszczoła, responsible for representing the Poznań university in the project consortium.

More: https://puls.edu.pl/nauka-i-badania/grant-dla-wydzia-u-medycyny-weterynaryjnej-i-nauk-o-zwierz-tach-w-programie-horyzont

Research and development