Research ‘Baby online 2.0’

Lukasz Szczepanski/REPORTER

According to the latest study, ‘The Baby’s Web 2.0’, conducted by Dr Magdalena Rowicka from the Institute of Psychology at the Academy of Special Education (APS) in Warsaw, children who use digital devices as soon as they wake up and before bedtime function worse than their peers who use them less frequently.

The author of the study stresses that more than half of children under the age of 6 use digital devices today, including one in 10 even before the age of one. Interestingly, among 5- and 6-year-olds, the number of digitally active children rises to 75 %.

The study shows that frequent exposure to digital devices at such an early age can negatively affect children’s mental and social development. Therefore, it is worth considering introducing healthy habits in the use of technology.

Researchers at APS recommend limiting the time children spend in front of a screen. Instead, encourage them to be physically active, talk, read books and play creative games.

Medicine and biotechnology