Dr Agnieszka Poczta-Wajda, professor at the Poznań University of Economics from the Department of Macroeconomics and Food Economics, has won a Polish-American Fulbright Foundation scholarship in the Slavic Award category.
Professor Poczta-Wajda gained foreign research experience during scientific internships, among others in the USA (University of California in Davis, Penn State University) and Italy (University of Macerata).
There she carried out research projects on agricultural economics, in particular on agricultural support policies in highly developed countries, farmers’ income deprivation and agricultural trade liberalisation. Her current research interests focus on household-level food security in developed countries.
As part of the fellowship, she will be teaching for 4 months at Ohio State University in Columbus on the Polish economy, economic policy and relations with the European Union.
Read more: https://ue.poznan.pl/aktualnosci/prof-agnieszka-poczta-wajda-stypendystka-fulbrighta/