Researcher from the Krakow University of Technology becomes a director of the Road and Bridge Research Institute

fot. Ministerstwo Infrastruktury

Dr Eng. Janusz Bohatkiewicz, of the Krakow University of Technology, has been appointed by the Minister of Infrastructure as Director of the Road and Bridge Research Institute in Warsaw. 

Dr Eng. Janusz Bohatkiewicz is a road construction engineer, a specialist in the field of road design and traffic engineering, impact of road traffic on the environment and eco-infrastructure. He is an author or co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, guidelines and handbooks in the field of roads and bridges as well as an editor-in-chief of the online road portal He has led and participated in many projects of a practical and implementation nature, mainly in the field of roads and railways. 

From 2016 to 2021, he headed the Department of Roads and Bridges at Lublin University of Technology and is currently a professor at the Department of Roads, Railways and Traffic Engineering at Krakow University of Technology. 

Technical sciences