Dr Karolina Magdalena Pawlak from the Faculty of Economics at the Poznań University of Life Sciences was the winner of the PRELUDIUM BIS competition organised by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). In the fourth round, 248 scientists applied for funding. Grants worth a total of over PLN 34.7 million will be awarded to 58 of them.
Thanks to the funding, the researcher will carry out a project entitled ‘Effects of the establishment of the EU-RCEP free trade area on global value chains in the agri-food sector: An EU perspective.
The aim of PRELUDIUM BIS is to support the training of doctoral students and to finance research projects carried out by them as part of their dissertations in preparation.
The research team consists of only two people: the supervisor – the project manager – and the doctoral student. The competition supports the international mobility of doctoral students who are obliged to complete a foreign research internship financed by NAWA.