Dr Anna Guzy and Dr Magdalena Ochwat from the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Humanistic Education from the University of Silesia are carrying out the project “Humanistic predictions for the climate”. The research is conducted within the framework of the Visegrad project “V4 Humanities Education for Climate. Recognitions – good practices – recommendations” in cooperation with Europe Direct Śląskie – a member of the Europe Direct network in Poland.
The aim of the project is to collect comprehensive data including students’ experiences and opinions on the implementation of education for the climate, which will allow for the development of educational pathways for students in the area of responsibility for the Earth, as well as for the creation of scientific and didactic materials.
Previous research carried out as part of this project has included Polish teachers, students and parents of students. The invitation to participate is now open to students, who can take part by answering the questions on the form active until the end of January 2023.
Read more: https://us.edu.pl/edukacja-dla-klimatu-badania-ankietowe-dr-a-guzy-i-dr-m-ochwat/