Scientists from the Pontifical University in Krakow created “Analytical dictionary to the Greek Bible”


Scientists from the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Fr. Dr Roman Bogacz and Fr. Dr Roman Mazur have created the “Analytical Dictionary of the Greek Bible”. The publication has over 2.5 thousand pages and contains all the words that are in the Bible with full grammatical explanations in Polish.

The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic. Later, it was translated into national languages, which was associated with difficulties and challenges, because not all Greek words and their forms have equivalents in other languages, for example, in Polish.

Fr. Dr Roman Bogacz and Fr. Dr Roman Mazur did even more work than preparing the dictionary. They made the world’s first concordance to the entire Greek Bible, which is 17 340 pages long. A concordance is an alphabetical list of all the words, sentences, signs, and symbols found in the work. Until now, such censuses were made only for the New and Old Testaments in Greek.
