Scientists from Toruń receives NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division grant

Arkadiusz Ziolek/East News

A scientific network on quartz luminescence, which includes the Luminescence Dating Team from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, has been awarded a NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division grant under the Science for Peace and Security Programme.

Funding was awarded in the areas of defence against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear agents and environmental security. 

The project ‘DEPot: A New Dosimetric Emergency Protocol based on Natural Quartz’ aims to develop an emergency dosimetry protocol (related to the measurement and calculation of ionising radiation doses and assessment of radioactive contamination) to survey large areas for radiation exposure. 

The developed protocol will be made available to radiation protection authorities in NATO countries and to a wide network of luminescent laboratories.

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