Seventh mentoring programme “Spread your wings” at the Silesian University of Technology

fot. Maciej Mutwil Politechnika Śląska

The “Spread your wings” mentoring programme was inaugurated at the Silesian University of Technology for the seventh time. Its aim is to support the best secondary school students who have taken up studies at the Silesian university. This year, nine students were mentored.

The ‘Spread Your Wings’ programme has been running since 2017. Its aim is to develop the intellectual potential of the best secondary school students, while supporting their personal development and preparing them for their first employment. Students enrolled in this programme are assigned a mentor, who is a member of the university staff.

“This person provides direction, facilitates contacts and supports academic development. The student can ask the mentor for help at any time. One could say that the mentor is a guide for the student’s academic and professional career”, says the Vice-Rector for Students and Education, Professor Wojciech Szkliniarz. 

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