Student of the Krakow University of Technology designs an electronic hand prosthesis


Agnieszka Tkaczyk, a student of biomedical engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Krakow University of Technology (PK) designed an electronic hand prosthesis controlled by muscle impulses. The invention will help amputees return to normal functioning.

The project was implemented as part of the 7th ABB Science Club. The initiative of ABB, a company that is a global technology leader in the field of energy and automation, is addressed to students of technical universities and secondary technical schools. Participants of the Science Club, operating at the ABB Corporate Technology Center in Krakow, can benefit from the help of scientists and specialists, technological facilities as well as financial support.

Agnieszka Tkaczyk has worked on her invention “Electronic hand prosthesis controlled by muscle impulses” for 9 months. She emphasizes that designing this type of device gives great satisfaction because it will help amputated people to return to normal life.

Medicine and biotechnology Technical sciences