Student project of smart stethoscope awarded in the competition “Young Masters Forum”


The smart stethoscope project of the students of the Medical University of Wrocław and Wrocław University of Science and Technology, received a Special Prize in the competition “Young Masters Forum”. The project was awarded in the category of “exemplary, highly effective teamwork in the pandemic”.

The main goal of the students from Wrocław universities is to create a stethoscope of the 21st century. The most important features of the project include a specially selected microphone and software that allows to “clear the sound” of unnecessary noise, a mobile application that allows to record and archive examinations, and an independent algorithm that classifies heart valve defects.

The nationwide inter-university competition “Young Masters Forum” was organized as part of the XXVI Teleinformatics Forum “The state information system in the global digital transformation”.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology