Szczecin students in the final of The Trial by Vinci Construction contest


Students of the West Pomeranian University of Technology performed well in the final of The Trial by Vinci Construction- competition. The aim was to prepare a conceptual design in the categories Constructions of the future, Sustainable construction and Cities above and below cities.

The team prepared a project entitled “Floating Garden Poland” referring directly to the conditions of Szczecin, where more than a half of the area are reservoirs and green areas.

Students proposed solutions based on the 4R principle: the use of old sea containers (Reuse) for the implementation of small residential units with a high energy standards (Reduce); their energy supply using renewable energy sources (Renewable) – photovoltaic panels and a heat pump using water-ice phase transformation – limiting the negative impact on the environment. The treatment of water in a small wastewater treatment plant (Recycle) was also planned.

Events Technical sciences