University of Life Sciences in Poznań to develop plant substitutes for meat products


Dr Eng. Przemysław Kowalczewski, a scientist of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań will implement a project under the Lider program organized by the National Center for Research and Development. He will develop a line of innovative full-value substitutes for meat products based on plant raw materials.

The developed products will be wholesome, plant substitutes for meat products with a properly balanced nutritional value, including wholesome protein and vegetable fats, and will also contain functional and health-promoting ingredients. They are supposed to be wholesome substitutes for products such as burgers, sausages or gyros.

– Together with our team we will create not only tasty products, but we will also focus on ensuring that they are of the best nutritional value and actually can replace meat products, not only imitate their appearance – says the scientist from the Department of Food Technology of Plant Origin.


Innovations Research and development