The main objective of the agreement between Warsaw Medical University (WUM) and Warsaw University of Technology (PW) is to identify strategic research areas and develop cooperation between scientific teams. The universities also want to work together to increase the scale of application of the effects of scientific activity in the biotechnology industry and clinical activity. The document was signed by Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong, rector of the WUM, and Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, rector of the PW.
“Modern medicine is modern technology, and the University of Technology offers modern technology. We very much hope that we will derive very specific benefits from this cooperation, but the cooperation only makes sense if both partners benefit from it,” admitted WUM rector Zbigniew Gaciong.
The agreement and the combining of the strengths of research teams and the potential of the technical facilities of both universities are to support the participation of WUM and PW scientists in international projects and to foster the acquisition of funds for research, development and implementation work.