Wrocław University of Science and Technology co-creates a cluster to develop autonomous drones


Joint research work and the creation of a cluster to develop autonomous drones are the main assumptions of the cooperation agreement signed by the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, NeuroSpace and the Wrocław commune.

The signatories announced that they would jointly conduct innovative research and development works in the use of drones in logistics and other sectors of the economy, and establish the “Dolnośląska Dolina Autonomicznych Dronów” cluster. It is to bring together organizations involved in developing solutions related to unmanned aerial vehicles that can be used in open spaces and closed spaces.

NeuroSpace in its projects deals with the development and implementation of an autonomous system for precise modeling and monitoring of 3D spatial systems. The system is part of drones that can be used for supervision and inspection works on objects located in hard-to-reach areas.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/rozwoj-autonomicznych-dronow-pwr-powoluje-nowy-klaster-11681.html

Innovations Research and development