Wroclaw University scientist awarded by the Foundation for Polish Science

Fot. Bartlomiej Magierowski/East News

Prof. Marcin Stępień from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Wrocław is one of four laureates of the 2023 Foundation for Polish Science Award. He received the award in the area of chemical and materials sciences for designing and obtaining new aromatic compounds with unique structures and properties.

Prof Stępień is an internationally recognised authority, shaping the field of research into aromatic compounds. The outcome of his work, conducted on the borderline between organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry and theoretical chemistry, was the design and subsequent synthesis of new aromatic and anti-aromatic molecules with unique structures and unusual, often three-dimensional shapes. 

Prof Stępień’s molecules can provide inspiration in the search for new organic materials, particularly functional dyes. They may find diverse applications in LED devices, photovoltaics and medical diagnostics and phototherapy.

Read more: https://uwr.edu.pl/prof-marcin-stepien-laureatem-nagrody-fnp/
