XI Krakow Conference on Financial Mathematics


The Scientific Club of Financial Modelling at the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH) in Krakow is inviting students and enthusiasts of finance and mathematics to participate in the 11th Krakow Financial Mathematics Conference, which will be held at AGH on 14-15 April 2023.

The conference is aimed at broadening participants’ knowledge of applications of mathematical methods and models in the financial market. Three thematic blocks (scientific, business and investment) in the form of lectures are planned. A student paper competition is also planned.

Participants will listen to lectures by banking and investment specialists, meet experts from the financial sector, gain a large dose of knowledge in finance and mathematics, and become acquainted with unconventional methods of looking at contemporary world financial problems.

The organisers ensure that on both the first and second days of the conference, people working in departments such as risk modelling at well-known international companies will share their experience with the event’s participants. 
