Collegium Medicum of the University of Zielona Góra to help develop an innovative rehabilitation service


REHAkompleks medical & sport from Gorzów Wielkopolski together with Collegium Medicum of the University of Zielona Góra are implementing a research and development project “Development of an innovative rehabilitation service for people after arthroscopic knee surgery using the protocol of inertial exercises”.

The project is co-financed by European funds under the Intelligent Development program. Its total value is almost 331 thousand PLN, of which over 281 thousand PLN is a subsidy from the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.

The research program concerns the development of an innovative device for inertial rehabilitation of patients after arthroscopic knee surgery, which can be used in Rehakompleks. Inertial exercises are more and more often used to increase muscle strength not only in sports, but also in the rehabilitation of, for example, people after stroke and people suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Medicine and biotechnology Research and development