Gdynia Maritime University joins the consortium of ePIcenter project implementers


The Maritime Institute of the Gdynia Maritime University as the only Polish research and development unit that has started – in cooperation with PKP SA – the implementation of the ePIcenter “Physical Internet and synchromodality in increasing transport efficiency within global logistics chains” project.

The aim of the project is to enable efficient cargo transport, with particular emphasis on technical and operational capabilities, such as physical Internet, synchro-modal operations and other breakthrough technologies including Hyperloop, Industry 4.0 and autonomous vehicles. The developed solutions will be introduced on shipping routes from Europe to Canada and the USA, as well as on trade routes – the North Sea Route and the new Silk Road.

The project is financed by the “Horizon 2020” Program, it is implemented by a consortium of 36 partners representing leading seaports, key forwarders and cargo administrators, logistics companies, scientific institutions and technological organizations.


Events Technical sciences