Prof. Stefan Bryla Award for a researcher from Rzeszów University of Technology

fot. Politechnika Rzeszowska

Dr Eng. Lidia Buda-Ożóg, professor of Rzeszów University of Technology (PRz) from the Department of Building Structures at the Faculty of Construction, Environmental Engineering and Architecture at PRz has been awarded the Professor Stefan Bryla Prize of the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and Technicians. It is awarded for scientific and research or scientific and technical achievements in the field of building structures. 

The main area of scientific interest of Dr Eng. Lidia Budy-Ożóg are reinforced concrete and masonry structures, with particular emphasis on the reliability of structures, shaping of reinforcement in a failure situation caused by the removal of a support and secondary use of composite elements. 

Modelling of concrete structures is also a subject of her interest. She is the author or co-author of more than 60 publications, 20 of which are indexed in the Journal Citation Reports database, and co-author of two patent applications.

Technical sciences