Science and Business Conference – common challenges

fot. Wydział Zarządzania AGH

“Artificial intelligence – the key to solving tomorrow’s challenges” is the main theme of this year’s Science and Business – Common Challenges conference. The event will take place on 16 November 2023 in Krakow in a hybrid format. The conference organisers are: AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, the University of Szczecin and the University of Bydgoszcz.

The aim of the conference, in addition to discussion, exchange of knowledge and experience, is to create a common platform (B2B & S2B) connecting science and business, and thus integrating representatives of science and business. 

The meeting will consist of two parts: scientific and business. In addition to the presentation of scientific research results and discussions in an interdisciplinary environment of scientists and management practitioners, moderated meetings and networking with entrepreneurs, business environment organisations, representatives of chambers of commerce and local authorities will be held alongside traditional panel sessions.

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