Krzysztof Kotowski, an employee of the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Medical University in Wrocław, received a six-month scholarship from the Kościuszko Foundation. The young scientist will go to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard Medical School in Boston.
In Boston, my work will focus mainly on understanding the proliferation of cancer cells, mainly the cell cycle, and how it can be used to fight cancer and create new molecularly targeted therapies, says the laureate.
As part of the scholarship, scientists, academics, specialists, and artists can conduct research and projects at the best academic institutions in the United States. Scholarship holders can gain knowledge and experience within the discipline of their choice, which they will use at work and during their studies after returning to Poland. Every year, candidates are awarded scholarships and grants with a total value of more than 400,000. USD.
More: https://www.umw.edu.pl/content/krzysztof-kotowski-odebral-stypendium-fundacji-kosciuszkowskiej