Scientists of the Silesian University of Technology developing a new trip planning system


The Silesian University of Technology together with partners from Spain, the Netherlands and Hungary are implementing the Electric Traveling project. The task of scientists is to help travelers choose the travel mode and route, and develop electromobility in cities.

Electric Traveling and the ETPlanner system are an international research and development project under the ERANET CoFund Electric Mobility Europe program, conducted with: Delft University of Technology and Over Morgen (Netherlands); Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) and Saitec, Factor CO2 and DeustoTech (Spain).

The planner will allow tourists to plan the route and determine the energy consumption and the possibility of recharging at the optimal charging point. This will increase the number of electric vehicle and users of charging station. In addition to reducing pollution and noise in cities, it will help identify the needs of travelers and improve transport systems.


Innovations Research and development