Scientists at the Interdisciplinary Center of Modern Technologies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń are working on new technological solutions for dairy products as well as methods of lipid identification and cancer biomarker detection.
Scientists use laser ionization / desorption (LDI) techniques in their research. It is a process that causes particle charging induced by a laser, most often with a wavelength in the UV range.
If the research is successful, dairy plants will be able to produce butter with vitamin D3 and trace elements, such as zinc. The butter will be natural, without any artificial additives.
Scientists from Toruń are also working on technological solutions allowing for the production of the so-called Whey champagnes enriched with vitamin B. Using LDI techniques, they also look for prostate cancer markers in urine, blood and tissue, and work on identifying the microbiome in people with urogenital cancer undergoing radiation therapy.
More: https://portal.umk.pl/pl/article/laser-w-sluzbie-zdrowia